ATR 72 Etihad © Alf van Beem

Etihad recrute pour sa base suisse

Recrutement hôtesses de l’air et stewards en Suisse

ATR 72 Etihad © Alf van Beem

Experienced Cabin Crew Member

Minimum Requirements:

  • Must be minimum 22 years old on the date of joining;
  • Maximum age limit is 40 years old;
  • Last flight as Cabin Crew within preceding 24 months;
  • A minimum 18 months experience as Cabin Crew in 24 months;
  • From 30 years old, a minimum of 5 years experience.
  • Swiss or EU nationality;
  • EASA medical report for Cabin Crew;
  • EASA Cabin Crew attestation;
  • Confident in water and be able to swim with the aid of a flotation device;
  • Minimum of maturity or equivalent educational qualification;
  • Fluent English, verbal, written and comprehension;
  • German, French and Italian spoken are appreciated;
  • SAAB 2000 Minimum height 1.60 m – maximum. 1.77 m;
  • ATR 72-500 Minimum height 1.60 m – maximum 1.86 m;
  • Dash 8 Q400 aircraft experience appreciated.

Criteria and Attitude

  • Excellent personal presentation, style and image;
  • Flexible attitude, responsible and sociable personality;
  • Good communication skills and customer oriented;
  • Professional attitude and able to work in a team;
  • Strong problem solving skills;
  • Able to work in shifts;
  • No visible tattoo nor body piercing (exception for one earring in the lower lobe of each ear for females only) that would be visible whilst the Etihad Regional uniform (bandages and cosmetic coverings are not permitted)
  • Never convicted of a criminal offence.

If your profile match with our requirements and you would like to be part of our Etihad Regional Family, please do not hesitate to email your CCM Application Form to with the subject: Experienced Cabin Crew Member

Please note that the following documents listed below are to be attached:

1. Application Form;
2. Up to date CV/Resume;
3. Motivation Letter;
4. EASA Cabin Crew Attestation;
5. EASA Medical Report;
6. One full body picture.

For the Assessment you are required to bring all originals documents mentioned in the Application Form along with hard copies and soft copies saved on a USB stick.

Please take duly note that we will reply only to applications fulfilling the above requirements and selected candidates to an interview.

Click here to proceed to the original job posting


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