Eastern Airways © Andrew Thomas

Recrutement hôtesses de l’air basées France

Our Cabin Crew deliver excellence in Cabin service on our fleet of; British Aerospace Jetstream turboprop, Saab jet prop and Embraer 145/170 jet aircraft, at various bases in the UK and France.

Eastern Airways © Andrew Thomas
Eastern Airways © Andrew Thomas

Currently recruiting at; Bristol, Rodez, Durham Tees Valley & Norwich airport

Our Cabin Crew deliver excellence in Cabin service on our fleet of; British Aerospace Jetstream turboprop, Saab jet prop and Embraer 145/170 jet aircraft, at various bases in the UK and France.

Key Requirements:

  • must be at least 18 years of age
  • great team player
  • previous experience in a customer service role
  • smart appearance
  • no taller than 5’7”
  • weight in proportion to height
  • own transport
  • held a full clean driving license for a minimum of 2 years
  • able to report to your base within 1.5 hours
  • have internet access
  • have or be eligible for the right to live and work in the EU

If you think you match all of these criteria, and would relish the challenges that we have to offer, then download an application form, complete it and return it to us by post at the address below.

For cabin crew applications please send your completed application form, with covering letter to:
Cabin Services Coordinator
Cabin Crew Recruitment
Eastern Airways
Schiphol House
Humberside Airport
North Lincolnshire
DN39 6YH



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