where is all the glamour????

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    • #86212

      Before you join they all tell you how great the job is and how glam it is
      you heard it all :
      -you will have a lover in each port
      -passenger will do anything to date you
      -people will be attracted by your uniform, your glamour ….

      but none of that hapenned, in all the life of cabin crew is difficult and very lonely… Yes you do have fab time downroute, but what is waiting for you when you come back home???? nothing that’s the answer.

      You go into relationship but most of the time your other half do not understand the life of a long haul cabin crew. Your are away from home, you can’t planned much becasue of standby and your tired after a flight….
      And if you find yourself an other cabin crew, you can spent many weeks without seeing each other and that does put some strain in yoru relationship…

      Yes that our life, but who cares? Pax, certainly not, they just want to be fed and watered.. And if you dont answered teh call bell quickly enough they complain…..

      But us we keep our smile all the time, and take it all on us… but inside us, we do feel very lonely…..

      That’s our life, but after many years of flying I must be crazy as I can’t see myself doing anything else. Why? I just love the life style, the good time downroute and the crew… Crew are the most easygoing people, usually very openminded and it’s a very rare experience to work alongside so many crew with such a wide difference inbackground.. but we all understand each other….

      We dont know each other but how many time while flying on other airline on concession I get a goodie bag, upgrade and a very personnal service and attention and that is priceless 🙂

      Yeap still single and still hoping that one day I wil lfind my other half………..
      Huge kisses from london

      A cabin crew for a japanese airline based in London ( previously crew for British Airways WW, Thomsonfly WW and GB Airways )

    • #116526

        Pour les questions d’ordre glamour tu as viewfromthetop à ta disposition ! 😛 😆 😀
        Je n’ai lu que le titre pour le reste je suis trop fatigué ! 😡

      • #116527

        oh oui mon petit guillaume ! tu as bien raison !! on est seul, seul et encore seul. C’est la réalité de la vie d’un cabin crew ! ta lady gaga qui a gardé de merveilleux souvenirs de certaines de nos discussions de ta grande vie de cabin crew member ! et puis, qui sait, peut-etre volerons nous ensemble pour air france ? 😉 bon courage avec Ana !

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