
Boeing 737 Norwegian © Norwegian

Recrutement hôtesse de l’air et steward Norwegian

Norwegian, 3eme compagnie aérienne low-cost européenne, recrute des hôtesses de l’air et stewards basés à Paris.

Boeing 737 Norwegian
Norwegian Air Shuttle B737 © DR

Norwegian, 3eme compagnie aérienne low-cost européenne, recrute des hôtesses de l’air et stewards basés à Paris.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les informations concernant ce recrutement en anglais ainsi que le lien permettant de postuler, bonne chance à toutes et tous !


Norwegian are seeking flight attendants based out of Paris, for the future expansion of Norwegian.


  • Legal authorization to work in the European Union. You need a valid passport and travel documents that allow the bearer to freely exit and re-enter Europe.
    • You must be able to obtain and maintain a Crew Visa for the United States (we will assist with the application)
    • You have an education to a minimum level of High School Diploma or GED equivalent
    • Minimum 20 years’ old
    • Strong interpersonal and communication skills
    • Excellent personal presentation, style and image
    • Strong swimmer; must be able to swim 200M unaided
    • Must be able to meet EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) safety requirements
    • Be able to pass an EASA Aviation Medical

Personal qualities

  • Empathetic with a positive attitude and a willingness to work in a diverse environment
    • You live in the greater Paris area or are willing to relocate
    • Previous experience with hospitality and customer service or as cabin crew is an advantage
    • Must be able to read and converse fluently in English
    • Able to Reach into overhead bins
    • Comfortably sit in a jump seat without seatbelt extension
    • Safety-focused, service minded and flexibleRecruitment process
    • Applications can only be made through Webcruiter
    • Submit application/resume via the online portal — expect an email confirmation (check spam)
    • Register all information in your Webcruiter CV, upload passport and photo under section “attachments”
    • Accepted applicants will be contacted via email for online testing (check spam)

    After tests you will not hear from us until interview invitation or rejection email (check spam). This is an ongoing process, and it might be a long time before you hear from us.

    Further process includes swim test, group assessment, interviews and background check.

We offer

  • Competitive company benefits including ID tickets and share saving program.
    • Good pension and insurance schemes
    • Positive and exciting place to work in a global expanding organization.
    • Challenging, variable and dynamic environment.

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9 thoughts on “Recrutement hôtesse de l’air et steward Norwegian

  1. Juste par curiosité, quelqu’un sait quel est la langue officielle parlée à bord entre membre d’équipage chez Norwegian ? Français ou Anglais, et les sélections se déroulent-elles également en anglais ?

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