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Airbus A320 easyJet © easyJet

easyJet recrute des hôtesses de l’air

Our staff make all the difference to the success of our organisation and to the satisfaction of our customers.

Airbus easyJet © easyJet

Cabin Crew Fixed Term Contract GVA (05594)


Our staff make all the difference to the success of our organisation and to the satisfaction of our customers. As the face of our organisation, our cabin crew are proud of the quality service they deliver on board and of the high standards of safety they maintain for passengers and fellow crew members.

Our staff all work inaccordance with company and regulatory policies and procedures demonstrating total commitment to ensuring easyJet remains Europe’s preferred short haul airline delivering market-leading returns.
Our cabin crew work in teams of four, three cabin crew members, reporting into a cabin manager. Together they make the in-flight experience of all customers onboard an enjoyable one.
We always love hearing from people who want to join our team. If you would like to make a difference here at easyJet please get in touch. We have a few requirements that you’ll need to meet so please take a look at the list below before you send us your application.
Please submit a CV and a motivation letter in ENGLISH.

Requirements of the Role

Please note that if you apply for a position in Basel or Geneva, you are applying to work for easyJet Switzerland SA. You are therefore required to withdraw any application which you have made for other easyJet Airline bases. Failure to do this may result in your application being rejected.

  • Age 18+
  • Height 5’2” (158cm) to 6’3” (190cm) with weight in proportion to height
  • Physically fit and able to pass a medical assessment, and a visual acuity of 6/9 (aided or unaided)
  • Fluent in English, both spoken and written (this will be tested)
  • If you are based in Europe you will need to be fluent in the native language of the country you wish to be based
  • Able to swim 25m unaided (without a floatation device) and tread water for at least 1 minute
  • A passport allowing you to travel freely within the EEA and to all easyJet destinations without restriction
  • Confident in a customer facing role (with a minimum of 6 months experience)
  • Good standard of education
  • No visible tattoos or body piercing which cannot be covered discreetly
  • Able to arrive at your chosen base within 90 minutes (unaided by easyJet) and be prepared to make this journey every day, at any time of the day
  • A verifiable 5 year history

Business Area

 Cabin Crew

Primary Location

 Switzerland-Geneva-Geneva Airport


 Cabin Services




10 thoughts on “easyJet recrute des hôtesses de l’air

    1. Non , cela signifie qu’ils doivent pouvoir vérifier vos activités durant ces 5 dernières années (emplois , chômage ,voyages de longue durée etc…) mais ça n’implique pas forcément des activités dans l’aérien

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